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Main » 2014 » June » 2 » TEAM BUILDING SEMINAR!
12.54 PM

Punong Barangay Ralph O. Abella ordered through a memorandum, the conduct of a 2-day team building seminar for the barangay officials and admin. staff at Mati City last May 31 -  June 1, 2014.


Day one started with an orientation to brief participants on the rationale and objectives of attending such a seminar and what to expect during the two days stay at Mati City.

The first objective of the team building is to provide opportunities for participants to interact in a non-threatening, fun and engaging environment.


The second objective is to provide a forum where participants take some risks but where their efforts become more important than success and failure.

Thirdly, to provide opportunities for participants to enhance their personal effectiveness as a team player.

Finally, to create an environment which illuminates many of the essential components of high performing teams: vision, goals and priorities, trust, clear communication, flexibility, and feedback.


A series of activities were lined up during the two days seminar. Each activity was focus toward developing skills critical to a successful team effort like cooperation, trust, effective communication, commitment and leadership.

At the end of each activity, this was processed, synthesized and analyzed to get the combination of ideas of participants in order to form a theory or system including the values and skills learned.


For the internalization of skills and values it was done by recalling all the activities that transpired by asking all the participants on their experiences and learning and to ask them for their commitment.

 It was really a very memorable moment because it was done through adventure education activities where participants gain a greater awareness of the group process, and learn skills  in a non-threatening, fun and engaging environment that, when taken back to the barangay can promote healthier relationships. Sec Red

Views: 2678 | Added by: adminhizon | Rating: 1.0/1